Mercurio DeBlack...
Once a grand master fencer, Mercurio was a warrior to be reckoned with. His lust for adventure often taking him to the very ends of Britania.
But one day his adventuring took him too far, as he fell through a cave floor. Stuck in a lightless labyrinth,
and unable to reach help, he ventured on through the caves. He spent over a year in the darkness. Developing a keen eye, and
becoming a master at hiding. The caves seemed to span through all of Britania and beyond. His emergence from the cave was
a frightening and strange time. Walking through towns he seemed able to look into another persons very soul and see their
secrets. He fled the town, unable to understand what he was seeing. Upon leaving the gates he noticed a man selling a map. Not wanting to
relive his previous fate again, he decided to see what the man had. The map was encoded, and the man was selling it for he could see no use for
it for himself. But Mercurio saw more. Shapes seemed to come together and details became clearer. "This is no ordinary map..."
He purchased the map and went to the spot that was marked in the center. Looking around he could see nothing significant in the area.
"Why would someone go to the trouble of making such a map, only to point out an area of no significance?"
But then something drew his attention down to the ground, and something caught his eye. "Something is under the ground."
He started digging and found a chest. The lock looked complicated, but he could see the intricate details of the mechanism and easily
popped the lock. When his eyes viewed the contents of the chest, he knew how he could find adventure again. "I can see the secrets of all
that is around me." With this realization, the Lord of Shadows was born.